I long for the day when I do not have to test my pee. I am not speaking of the random drug test...oh no! I am speaking of the ovulation pee tests and pregnancy tests. You see because we are still trying to determine when I am ovulating, I start testing on day 10 of my cycle until the day I get a positive reading...which this month wasn't until day 24! The good news is I am ovulating. The bad news is it is never the same day every month. Ugh. So...here's how it goes. Every day around the same time, usually 4pm for me, I go in the bathroom to pee into a little plastic cup. I then take a small thin test strip and stick it into the pee, but not past the black line and wait 3 to 10 seconds. I then lay the strip flat and wait for at least 5 minutes to hopefully see two dark pink lines. Now here is where it gets tricky. I must wait to see two dark lines, not one line or one dark and one light line. No, that would be a negative reading. Fortunately, the outside of the package gives you a diagram to look at that helps. So you repeat this process day after day until you get a positive reading. Then you obviously follow up with 3-4 days in a row of timed "romantic interludes" to make a baby. Then you wait another week and start testing your pee again in the same manner with early detection pregnancy strips. This process continues until you hopefully get a positive reading or start your cycle. Now remember the fun part is I do this day after day and month after month no matter where I am. So yes, I have been on vacation and even staying at people's houses and follow this process and carry all of the supplies with me along the way! Some of you may be thinking, wow that is a little too much information! But remember from the beginning I promised to be transparent and share ALL! So yes I long to just be able to use the restroom, not have to think about what day or hour it is...
I promise to also not totally sell out this blog to advertising, but if I find something useful or that I use I will share. These are test strips I get off of Amazon.com and they are way more affordable then going to the drugstores! Check them out...
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